Emma Lovegrove
Emma is our procurement and negotiation superstar. She has a strong financial background, having studied finance and marketing at university in the UK and then changing careers into procurement. Emma’s experience has been across multiple industries and regions, including retail, automotive, oil and gas and alcohol in both Europe and Asia Pacific. This has broadened both her negotiation skills and contract abilities, from numerous nuances within country specific laws.
Emma has 20+ plus years of procurement and commercial experience with side projects including development of some of the first chip and pin machines in the UK in the early 2000’s, to looking at the UK’s at home electric vehicle charging capabilities in 2010.
Emma has predominantly been based in the UK and Australia, with stints in France, Singapore, Lebanon and Dubai and is used to adapting rapidly to different cultural requirements.
Emma is risk focused and specialises in avoiding, mitigating and minimising potential risks from the outset.