Many companies and individuals create an IP portfolio through the filing of patents, designs, and trade marks and the creation of copyright works.
Problems with budgeting, adhering to dates, reminders, responding to prosecution demands, and other external factors quickly move IP management into the “too hard” or “it takes too much time” category.
Typically, such companies/individuals cannot justify employing a full time IP manager. Normally the job of IP management is assigned to someone who does not have the time or perhaps the knowledge to really look after the IP portfolio.
In such situations, IP takes a back seat to what the company is doing and may not get used to its best effect, or may not get used at all.
This is where we come in.
Proper IP management is but one vital step in putting your IP to work. It is also essential to make sure that your IP is aligned with your business goals, your IP takes your competitors’ products into consideration, and is competitively placed to help futureproof your business.